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Restrainedelegance: Nude In Metal Maid Service
Restrainedelegance: Nude In Metal Maid Service
Format: MP4
Duration: 9 Min
Size: 540 Mb
Resolution: 3840x2160

Antivirus status: Safe


It’s a big selling point for the hotel. All their staff are nude-in-metal girls! How would you like to have a beautiful, athletic blonde wearing nothing but chains, shackles and a collar come to service your room every morning? Hands chained behind her back, getting each room cleaned and tidied and perfect takes the maid a good time- the clients and the management are very demanding that everything be just-so, even though it is hard to get it right what with the hands shackled behind her any everything.

Naked, barefoot and on tiptoes, Tillie must make the bed, smooth down the duvet, plump the pillows… she puts her ingenuity to work (and who wouldn’t want their pillows plumped by a naked slave-girl’s perfect posterior?) Then it is time to clean up the place, vacuuming in the nude, the heavy steel leg irons rattling and confining her perfect trim ankles. She knows that if she doesn’t do a good job, tomorrow she will be made to do it with a very short ankle-chain to hobble her, so she’d best do it right!


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