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Format: MP4
Duration: 9 Min
Size: 700 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
Duration: 9 Min
Size: 700 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
Antivirus status: Safe
Princess London Lix
I know you want to get to that gooning state, don’t you jerk addict? You need to edge a few times before your mind goes blank and your dick feels separate from your body. But as much as you love gooning, there’s something you love even a bit more, cock. So why not combine the two? I know you love to have me on your screen coercing you to look at the cocks but really, that’s all you need isn’t it? You love cock and I’m going to make you goon out to cocks. Maybe it will reprogram your brain and turn you into even more of a gay faggot.