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cfnmplus: Locker Room Pervert Busted
cfnmplus: Locker Room Pervert Busted

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There has recently been a huge increase in solicitation of prostitutes so the local officers decided a sting operation would be a great way to cut down on “Johns” trying to pick up prostitutes. They had one of the hottest officers dress up like a hooker and walk the street. In less than 2 minutes, they had their first target. A guy named Chris pulled up and asked the undercover for a blowjob and sex (also known as a half and half). After the deal was made, the undercover officer gave the signal to let the other officers know it was time to make the arrest. They swarmed in, arrested him and brought him down to the prison for booking. The arresting officer decided that an arrest would not teach him a lesson so giving him a humiliating experience would be better. They stripped him down, and instructed him on the desk. Next each of the girls took turns sitting on his face and playing with his cock while the other girls showed off their ass and breasts teasing him. They handcuffed him to the bars, then took turns sucking his cock and jerking him off right to the point he was going to cum. Right about as he was about cum, the girls stopped turning his would be powerful orgasm into a very painful ruined orgasm. After all of his semen dribbled out of his cock, the girls took turn rubbing his extra sensitive head of his cock until his was moaning in agony!


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